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Dara Thai Translation offers both translation and interpreting services.
Examples of translation services we provide:
Thai government or official documents such as birth certificates, Thai national ID cards, driver’s licences, government ID cards, first name change certificates, surname change certificates, marriage certificates, marriage registrations, divorce certificates, divorce registrations, household registrations, death certificates, military certificates, police clearance certificates, affirmations of marital status, certificates of parental responsibility, land title deeds, and vehicle registrations
Medical documents such as medical certificates, medical records, immunisation records, and research findings
Legal documents and contracts/agreements such as leases, loan contracts, hire purchase agreements, criminal history records, court orders, warrants of arrest, statements, and testimonies
Academic documents such as graduation certificates, academic awards, transcripts, proof of enrolment
Visa application supporting documents such as relationship stories and invitation letters
For other types of translation, please feel free to contact to enquire.
Types of Translation
There are 2 types of translation:
Full Translation – everything is translated and specified including all images, deletions, or any amendments. All information is transferred from the source document to the translated document regardless of its relevance to the purpose of translation. There is no limitation of use as full translation is always accepted. However, prices are typically higher than extract translation.
Extract Translation – only relevant and necessary information is translated and re-arranged into a new format making it much easier to read. Details of the document and details of the bearer of the document are typically separated. Each data often has a heading to explain what it is. This type of translation is very popular and accepted by most organisations in Australia. Extract translation makes documents much easier to read. We can choose to emphasise on information that will be required. Prices are also cheaper than full translation.
To read more about the types of translation and their pros and cons in order to assist with your decision to choose the translation type most suitable to you, please click here.
Interpreting services we provide:
Dara Thai Translation offers face-to-face, video and telephone interpreting services.
We are experienced in the following interpreting settings:
Legal interpreting such as mediation, will making, and meetings with lawyers
Medical interpreting such as general consultation, examination and treatment at a clinic or a hospital, appointments with private allied health providers or specialists, psychological interview and assessment, counselling
Business interpreting such as trades and business meetings
Special occasions such as wedding, engagement party, auspicious days/events that Thai people like to celebrate